Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Difference Between Quality Store-Bought and Online Photo Books

Differences in products can be meaningless to vast. 

For example, store brand aspirin has the exact same ingredients as name brand aspirin, such as Bayer, but the prices vary considerably. I happen to think that soy milk is much healthier than cow's milk. I was paying $3.89 for a half gallon, until I recently found a different brand for $2.39. I see no difference in the ingredients listed, and I actually like the cheaper one better. 

If the only photo books you've ever bought were from a store, which maybe they referred to as photo albums, then you may think that the only difference between them is size, shape, binding, and covers. And if all you're comparing are store-bought photo books, you would be exactly right. 

Some have more expensive looking covers and binding, and are therefore more expensive.  However, if you were to consider the differences between quality store-bought photo books and online photo books, you would see a vast difference. 

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