Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stationery And Envelopes: Uncovering Custom Stationery That Works

By Stacey Eldor

If you're accustomed to sending personal handwritten messages on custom stationery and envelopes, then you know why fine stationery makes a difference. It doesn't have to make a lot of difference, just enough to inspire you to write from time to time, and knowing that those who receive your letters not only appreciate hearing from you, but also appreciate the fine stationery as they read them. It's a little bit like sending a nice card and a cheap card. Are both appreciated, absolutely. Is the nice card appreciated more, absolutely.

The fact that you went to a little more trouble to find the right card with the right message, and spent a little more money, sends a message that you value the relationship. There is just no getting around that. It doesn't mean that you get an inexpensive card, and you immediately think "cheapskate". We don't do that at all. But you're fooling yourself if you think the less expensive card is received in the exact same spirit as the really nice card.

There are always extenuating circumstances of course. So don't think that I'm saying you have to spend $5.00 on every Get Well or Thank You card from now on. But, hopefully you get the point regarding the difference between using inexpensive stationery and using custom stationery and envelopes.

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Stationery And Envelopes: Uncovering Custom Stationery That Works

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